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What is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Science Test

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) science test is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills in science according to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The test assesses students' understanding of science concepts, their ability to apply scientific practices, and their ability to analyze and interpret data.

The content of the SBAC science test varies depending on the grade level of the student being tested. However, the test generally covers three main areas of science:

Physical Science: This area covers topics such as matter and energy, forces and motion, and waves and electromagnetic radiation.

Life Science: This area covers topics such as biological evolution, genetics, ecosystems, and the human body.

Earth and Space Science: This area covers topics such as geology, astronomy, and climate change.

In addition to the three main areas of science, the SBAC science test also assesses students' knowledge of cross-cutting concepts that apply across all science disciplines. These concepts include patterns, cause and effect, systems and system models, energy and matter, and stability and change.

The SBAC science test is typically administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 11. The test is computer-based and includes a combination of multiple-choice, constructed-response, and technology-enhanced items.

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